Friday, December 5, 2014

Being Right Can Be So Wrong

Writers complain about the blank page; about how daunting it is to "have to" create. The blank page intimidates because of all the filled pages that others have written. The black page intimidates because no matter what you put on that blank page it will not measure up to the work of others. Shallow and empty, lacking passion and little more than a pale reflection of greater works is how you view what you create. Living for Christ compares to the writer's difficulty with the blank page. It is so difficult to take the life that you have and to live it in a magnificent manner that glories Christ. Your sins and failures are always before you as is the greatness and selflessness of great Christian men and women. Those men and women are not necessarily those of history but are those of your own ancestry. Grandmothers and grandfathers, those who your family have lifted up as examples and perhaps those your church has lifted up. Who am I in comparison. Flawed and weak are the words upon the page, flawed and weak are the days of our lives. The worth of our work and the works of our lives are best viewed by another. We are too close to what we have created and we are the ones who know of the erasures, deletions and imperfections that have preceded what we have created and what we have become. Truly, it is better to be judged of God that to be judged of self.