Monday, October 15, 2012

I Belong To God

What I have is mine and nobody can have it! Sounds childish don't it? There are so many adults who think this way and live this way. They don't acknowledge the verse below. The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. Psalm 24:1 The verse reminds me, and hopefully you, that all that exists is here because God created it. He owns not just the cattle on a thousand hills but all the hills, valleys and the seas. He owns me. Ownership might bug you and you want to to own yourself but think about that for a moment. If you owned you, then you would be so terribly alone. You would spend eternity isolated and alone. Many times I have written that we are made for eternity for God has placed eternity in our souls. Being alone is a terrible thing. It is better to belong to God than to belong to self. When you belong to God then you belong to a vast family. Your church family is more than a gathering of people it is the gathering of brothers and sisters who love each other, pray for each other and desire each other's company. I belong to God and to His family and I am never alone. It is my choice and nobody makes me. It is far better to be in the hollow of His hand than to be fearful of His hand.

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