Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Demons Are Losers

The largest creatures on earth live in the oceans. Blue whales grow to 90 feet in length and weigh over 80,000 pounds. Hard to believe but so are some of the things of the "supernatural". And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” Acts 19:15 NIV Yes there are spirits - but - there are no ghosts. In the verse above an evil spirit that inhabits a human says to the false prophet, "Jesus I know and Paul but I don't know you." Think about that, the Bible declares there are "supernatural" beings that are evil. One thing that can never, ever, happen to you is to be taken over by an evil spirit. Believers (those born-again of the Holy Spirit) are protected from evil spirits. They can not harm you for the Holy Spirit is more powerful than all of them combined. You are safe if you are a believer - Amen! All around us every day there are battles between God's Heavenly host and the Devil's demons. Every battle is won by God's Heavenly host. All those movies showing angels losing are just the foolish imagination of non-believers. God never loses a fight. Do not be afraid because God is greater than any who oppose Him. God never loses! When you stand with God you stand with the Winner.

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