Friday, November 9, 2012

The Farmer

I've never desired to be a farmer. As a boy I experienced the hard work of the farming life and felt there had to be an easier way to make a living. I was wrong on two counts just as perhaps your are. Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable? The farmer sows the word. Mark 4:13,14 NIV To follow Jesus is to be like Jesus. Sowing seeds was His work on Earth and it is our work here on Earth. Like I said, I was wrong on two counts and I feel you are too. We are farmers, sowers of seeds, which is our life's work. As we follow the Lord we are to do as He did, sow the seeds but not just any seeds - The Word of God! Faith is not a possession to be held to one's breast like a precious talisman protecting one from evil. No, it doesn't belong to anyone of us but it is a gift to be shared - to be sown. As you go about your life today, count how many seeds you sow. Some will fall on thorny ground, some among weeds but just as Jesus sowed His seeds among the rocks, hard-headed people like me, so too are you to be sowing the seeds of God's Word - faith. We are to scatter the seeds not hold onto them and don't worry about if they spout or not - that's God's department. Our task is to sow seeds today and everyday.

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